- Assembly activites
- Class room activities
- Reading sight words, phonics, stories in English,Tamil and Hindi
- Tracing, writing
- Colouring
- Art/craft
- Singing rhymes
- Music and movement
- Discovery zone
- Cookery classes
- Dance
- Montessori lab activities
- Exercises of practical life ,sensorial , numbers and language activities
- Gardening activities
- Nature walk
- Field trip
- Edu sports
- Project

Primary Level unique activities
- Spell Well Book.
- Handwriting Skills.
- Montessori Lab and Prayathna lab
- Social Studies for Class IV focuses more on field trips and worksheets based on the trips.
- Environmental Studies which focuses on experience and learning.
- Science club activities
- Math club activities
- Art

Senior Level unique activities (Non- Curriculum)
- Creya lab activities
- Quality Circle for class VIII
- Inter House competition
- Interact club
- Nature club
- Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) - Group community projects undertaken by the students prepare them to contribute to the development of the society.
- Home Economics for Class VI
A curriculum usually including studies in nutrition, the purchase, preparation and service of food, interior design, clothing and textiles, child development, family relationships and household economics.
- Math Lab
- Science Forum
- IAYP (International Award for Young People)
- Parent / Student Debate
- Talk show